Bill Ackman Backs Slate of Outsiders to Overhaul Harvard Board

Renowned billionaire investor Bill Ackman is intensifying efforts to reshape Harvard University, throwing his support behind four outsider candidates seeking positions on the university’s board of overseers. This move reflects Ackman’s strategy as an activist investor, a role he has successfully played on Wall Street. However, in this instance, his focus is on addressing perceived shortcomings at the prestigious Ivy League institution, rather than influencing corporate earnings.

The Background

Bill Ackman’s involvement comes in the wake of a heated battle against Claudine Gay, who recently stepped down as Harvard president amid controversies related to plagiarism and allegations of campus antisemitism. Traditionally, candidates for Harvard’s Board of Overseers are nominated by the alumni association. However, Ackman is backing four write-in candidates, all Harvard graduates, under the banner of Renew Harvard, seeking to bring about fundamental changes.

“Bill Ackman’s involvement comes in the wake of a heated battle against Claudine Gay, who recently stepped down as Harvard president amid controversies related to plagiarism and allegations of campus antisemitism.” Source/ Internet.


Ackman’s Supported Candidates

The four outsider candidates backed by Ackman are all US military veterans aged between 36 and 38. Running under the Renew Harvard slate, they pledge to restore leadership excellence, uphold free speech, protect all students, and address operational and endowment mismanagement. According to Logan Leslie, one of the candidates, the objective is to bring fresh perspectives to the board, demand accountability, and foster better leadership.

Julia Pollak, another candidate on the slate, voiced concerns about a lack of free expression at Harvard over the years. Recent events prompted her to join this effort, emphasizing the need for change at the prestigious institution. Ackman, in expressing his support for these candidates, highlighted the groundswell of demand for change following recent developments at Harvard.

The Independent Slate

Leslie emphasized that while Ackman is a great sounding board, the slate remains independent of the billionaire. The group aims to be viewed as independent voices, emphasizing that Ackman is not part of the slate. Ackman’s endorsement of this outsider slate aligns with his belief in their ability to bring about positive change at Harvard.

Harvard’s Response

Harvard University did not provide comments on Ackman’s backing of the outsider candidates. The university is yet to respond to this new development, which reflects a growing call for change within the institution.

Calls for Change at Harvard

Amidst the controversy surrounding Claudine Gay and the handling of the situation by the Harvard Corporation, calls for change within the university have intensified. The Harvard Corporation, led by billionaire Penny Pritzker, has faced criticism for its role in the unfolding events. Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld criticized the Harvard Corporation’s actions, stating that it had significantly damaged the university’s brand.

“As the campaign to elect new members to the Harvard Board of Overseers gains momentum, Bill Ackman’s endorsement of outsider candidates signals a significant push for change at the prestigious institution.” Source/ Internet.


As the campaign to elect new members to the Harvard Board of Overseers gains momentum, Bill Ackman’s endorsement of outsider candidates signals a significant push for change at the prestigious institution. The involvement of military veterans and the emphasis on restoring leadership excellence and accountability reflect the slate’s commitment to addressing the challenges facing Harvard. As the election process unfolds, the outcome will shed light on the level of support for this independent slate and its potential impact on reshaping the university’s leadership and governance.

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